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“It’s very important to cry in the shower and not in front of them”: Angelina Jolie Never Wanted One Painful Thing For Her Kids After Leaving Brad Pitt



Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s split is certainly the most talked about and nasty breakup in the world of the film industry, Earlier counted among the idealistic and iconic couples of Hollywood, the two parted ways in 2016.

After their divorce, Angelina Jolie gave her first press interview to Vanity Fair, where the Lara Croft actress got candid about the particulars of their split and how she has been dealing with everything. She also went ahead to mention how the couple’s six children have been coping with their parent’s divorce.

Angelina Jolie On Healing And Recovery After Divorce

Angelina Jolie has been having a hard time ever since her split from Brad Pitt. The actress is now barely seen in the limelight, keeping her distance at all times. Back in 2017, Jolie sat down with Vanity Fair to speak up about how she has been keeping up and dealing with the split.

While talking up about her children, the Eternals star replied,

“They’re six very strong-minded, thoughtful, worldly individuals. I’m very proud of them. … They’ve been very brave. They were very brave……..We’re all just healing from the events that led to the filing … They’re not healing from divorce. They’re healing from some … from life, from things in life.”

As for her own emotions, the actress said that it is important that she keeps them hidden and away from her children.

“I do not want my children to be worried about me. I think it’s very important to cry in the shower and not in front of them. They need to know that everything’s going to be all right even when you’re not sure it is.”

It has especially been hard for Jolie since she had to take care of her 6 young children and shield them from all the rumors and allegations floating about, but she has done a tremendous job raising them on her own.

Angelina Jolie Developed Detrimental Health Conditions After Her Divorce

The Oscar-winning actress has been vocal about sufferin

g from hypertension. After the divorce and the aftermath, the condition became even worse, leading her to develop Bell’s Palsy. The actress suffered facial paralysis on one side of her face, which could have caused her irrevocable facial damage. But she was lucky to recover quickly thanks to acupuncture.

“Sometimes women in families put themselves last … until it manifests itself in their own health.”

However, she expressed how she felt more confident and more of a woman,

“I actually feel more of a woman because I feel like I’m being smart about my choices, and I’m putting my family first, and I’m in charge of my life and my health. I think that’s what makes a woman complete.”

Despite it all, the actress remains as strong as ever as she continues to manage her career, life, kids, and humanitarian work singlehandedly.

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